Year 3 & 4 – Owls

The teachers in Owls are Mrs Martin and Mrs McNichol.

Mrs Martin – Monday – Wednesday


Mrs McNichol – Thursday & Friday

Welcome Message

Hello and a warm welcome to Owls’ class page.  In our class we have a fantastic team of Year 3 and 4 children.

In my spare time, I (Mrs Martin) love being outside in nature, exploring new places with my young children and being with friends and family. I love music, reading, running and being creative too.

I (Mrs McNichol) love to travel and spend time with my two grown up boys. I also work at a school in York at the start of each week.

We can’t wait to see each of the wonderful children in Owls’ class shine throughout this year.

Ready to Learn

Year Group Ready Leaflets


Year Group Leaflet Expectations Year 3

Year Group Leaflet Expectations Year 4

Curriculum Overview

Please follow the following links for the Curriculum Overview

Y3&4 Autumn Curriculum Overview Autumn 2024

Curriculum Overview Year 3&4 Summer 2024

Curriculum Overview Yr3&4 Spring 2024

Curriculum Overview Yr3&4 Autumn 2023

Recommended Reading

In Year 3/4, children should be beginning to read some longer and more demanding texts. To help your child to choose something to read that they will enjoy but that will also challenge them, we have created a list of 100 books to read in year 3/4. How many will you read?

Year 3/4 recommended books


Homework in year 3/4 will be set each week. Reading should be done daily and signed in the reading record book. Spellings will go home on Mondays in the children’s SPAG books, following their spelling lesson. Children can practise their spellings in their books and can also make use of Spelling Shed. Spellings will be tested on Fridays. Maths workbooks will be sent home on Fridays and are due back for marking the following Friday. If you have any questions about homework, please come and talk to either Miss Potter, Mrs Henderson or Mrs Pywell and we will be able to help.

Snow Day 10.3.2023

Please see documents below plus email sent.



snowy activities

Science – Bee researching

maths multiples of 8

Year 4 Residential

Herd Farm Parent Information Presentation