School Day, Term Dates & General Information

What time does a school day start and finish?

The St Peter’s School day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. This provides a school day of 6.5 hours per day and 32.5 hours per week which is inline with the national expectation for the length of a school day.

The school gates are opened at 8.35am and staff are available on the playground from 8.40am for any quick messages. The site will be re-opened at 3.05pm for the end of the day at 3.15pm.

Through our partnership with Fun Club we offer full wrap around childcare from 7.30am until 6.00pm.

Term Dates

For the 2023-2024 term dates please click here

For the 2023-2024 Term and Holiday dates in calendar form click here

Term Dates 2024-2025 

School Term Dates 2025 – 2026

How are the classes organised?


Currently we have 270 children enjoying their learning at St Peter’s and the children are organised into nine classes.  All of our class names have been chosen b the children and inspired by the book “The Lost Words”.




Stage of Education Year Groups Name of Class
Early Years Foundation Reception Wrens
Key Stage 1 Year 1 and Year 2  Kingfishers (Yr1) Finches (Yr1&2) and Sparrows (Yr2)
Key Stage 2 Year 3 and Year 4 Owls and Starlings
Key Stage 2 Year 4 and 5 Herons
Key Stage 2 Year 5 and Year 6 Ravens and Eagles

What do I do if my child is ill?

Please contact the school office by email or by phone 01423 569684 as soon as you are aware your child is unwell. Message can be left also via our phone system. Please keep us updated throughout any period of illness.

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they’re unwell. There are government guidelines for schools and nurseries about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn’t. For other illness there is some helpful NHS advice which can be accessed here.

How do I know when I can send my child back when they have been ill?

Typically when children are feeling better and well enough to manage being in school is the right time to send them back after being unwell. In relation to some illness and infection there are identified periods of time that children should remain at home for. These are outlined in the guidance below.

Guidance on Infection Control

Can my child have a snack at school?

Children may bring a healthy snack for morning break. This should ideally be a pieces of fruit. Fruit such as apples and bananas that do not require a snack tub or box are preferable but not required. Children may also bring a  healthy snack such as plain rice cakes, crackers or breadsticks.

Children in Early Years an Key Stage can access free fruit.

Birthday Treats

Due to allergies and to respect the personal preferences of families in relation to foods their children are offered we are unable to facilitates the sharing of birthday cakes or birthday treats within the school day.

We are always delighted to sing to children on their birthdays and give our birthday stickers in our celebration workshop on a Friday.

Thank you for respecting and understanding our position in regard to this.

Can I park at St Peter’s?

The school has a small carpark for staff and visitors. There is a large multi-storey carp park just around the corner from school. There are many short stay parking options around school also. For very short stay pick up and drop off families can collect a parking badge from the school office which allows 10 mins free parking on Belford Road and Victoria Avenue at the start and end of the school day.