Yorkshire Causeway School Trust (YCST)

St Peter’s CE Primary School is proud to be a member of a multi-academy trust called the Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust.

The Trust has a very clear mission as outlined below.

“Where everyone is valued and respected, where we share a commitment to education that is ambitious, setting the highest expectations and where integrity is the foundation.”

Trust Mission Statement

Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust (YCST) was founded in March 2015 with the aim of bringing together a family of Schools that share common values, interests and purpose. Based in and around Harrogate this Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is outward looking, built on the strength gained from every school in the MAT being a valued and significant part of the organisation.  YCST includes both Church of England and Community Schools and places our children at the heart of everything we do.

To view the YCST website, including the list of Trustees and Members and their interests, please click here.

To view the annual statement and accounts for YCST, please click here.

YCST have agreed a scheme of delegation between themselves and the St Peters Local Governing Body