
Welcome to our polices page. Below you will find our key polices including all those we have a statutory duty to publish.

As we update policies on a rolling programme basis we are reflecting on and articulating how our vision shapes each individual area of our work. Policies that have recently been updated and reflect how our vision of Love Learn Shine is lived out in each policy include our behaviour policy & anti bullying policy.  Our policies take into account key national guidance documents such as valuing all Gods children, a copy of which can be found in the policy list.


We keep families updated of any policies under consultation via our weekly newsletter and publish details of any consultations below.


Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Administration and Data

The Yorkshire Causeway Schools is aware of and compliant with GDPR requirements. The Trust Data Protection Officer (DPO) is The Trust Compliance and Policy Officer, Laura Claringbold. The DPO can be contacted by emailing dpo@yorkshirecauseway.co.uk

Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Managing Allegations Against Staff

GDPR Policy

Debt-Policy-Procedure- September 2024


Staffing and Human Resources

Staff Code of Conduct

Equality Policy and Objectives


Child Wellbeing and Safeguarding

Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement Children

Acceptable Use Agreement ICT – Visitors Contractors External

Acceptable Use Agreement ICT – Adults

Allergens Policy September 2024

Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

Educational Visits & Trips Policy

Flexi Schooling

Inclusion Policy

Online Safety Policy (In line with KCSIE 2023)

Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE) 2023

Child on Child Abuse & Harassment Policy

Prevent Strategy Statement – STP

Pupil Attendance Policy

Safeguarding Policy Procedures St Peter’s 2024-2025

SEND Policy

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused

Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Policy

Managing Allegations Against Staff Policy

Visitors Policy

Visitor Leaflet – St Peter’s September 2024

Whistleblowing Policy – May 2024


Relationships Education

Relationships Sex Education Policy May 2024

RE Policy St Peter’s CE

Collective Worship Policy

Valuing All God’s Children July 2019



Anti-Bullying Policy

Behaviour Policy 2024-2025

Behaviour Policy Procedures 2024-2025

Exclusions Policy – Jun 2024

Parent and Visitor Conduct Policy 


Statutory Facilities

Health and Safety Policy – Jun 2024 STP

School Medical Policy St Peter’s


Privacy Notices

GDPR Staff Privacy Notice

GDPR Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice – Website


COVID Related 

Coronavirus CP Policy Addendum 

Trust Polices

YCST Trust policies can be accessed here.