

Year 5 Residential Autumn 2022

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Outdoor Learning We were delighted to see our Year 5 children Love Learn and Shine this week in the great outdoors as they undertook their residential trip to Bewerley Park in Nidderdale. Taking part in a range of outdoor learning activities including scrambling, canoeing, night walking and bush craft skills they children developed their team […]


In the News – Your Harrogate

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We were delighted to have featured on Your Harrogate this week who featured our Harvest Festival celebrations. Thank you again to all families for supporting our children in leading the lovely act of worship in St Peter’s church alongside the many very generous donations of food that will support the work of the Church in […]


In The News

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We are delighted to have been featured by the Stray Ferret who have reported on the major improvements completed over the summer enhancing our wonderful school for the benefit of all. You can read and share the full article here. 


Admissions Consultation

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Admissions Consultation for 2024 From Monday 3 October until Monday 14 November St Peter’s CE is consultation regarding its Published Admission Number (PAN) for September 2024 onwards. Full details can be found in the consultation section of the Polices page of the school website.


Harvest Festival

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Thank you to all the families who supported our Harvest Festival today either via their attendance, support and donations. It was wonderful to share our Harvest worship with our school community. As always the children sang and read beautifully making it a lovely occasion. Thank you for all the generous donations of food that will […]


Sporting Influence Competition Series

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Following on from our successful participation at the end last year we are delighted to once again be taking part in the Sporting Influence competition series this year. This began last night with Year 1 & 2 football hosted at Harrogate High. The St Peter’s team represented the school superbly well playing against a number […]


Choosing a Primary School

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St. Peter’s Vision Poster 2 While September marks the start of the new school year with the excitement of new uniform, shoes and seeing friends again, thoughts are also turning to supporting families who have children starting school in September 2023 to make that all-important choice. Throughout this term and leading up to the application […]


Queen Elizabeth II

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Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust and St Peter’s CE Primary School joins the nation in mourning the loss of Her Majesty The Queen. Her selfless devotion to her country and the Commonwealth serves as an inspiration to us all. We give thanks for her happy and glorious reign and extend our sincere condolences to The Royal […]


Sharing Our Shine at Harrogate Theatre

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Children from our Key Stage Two drama club had the opportunity to share their shine performing in the professional studio at Harrogate theatre this week. Throughout this term children have taken part in a weekly after school drama club developing their performance knowledge and skills and preparing a short play to perform. On Thursday the […]


Yorkshire Cricket Education Day

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We were delighted to take a group of children from Year 5&6 to the Yorkshire County Cricket club annual education Day at Headingley stadium at the start of the week. The children participated in a number of workshops including designing a shirt for the Yorkshire limited overs first teams for next season and learning about […]