

Lower Key Stage Two History Day

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Lower Key Stage Two History Day Children in Year Three and Four enjoyed lots of different educational, teambuilding activities during their Roman topic day on Monday this week. This included re- creating a Roman testudo formation and taking part in a Roman chariot race! It was a wonderful way to kick off our new topic […]


St Aidan’s Sports Leaders Support PE

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St Aidan’s Sports Leaders Support PE This week in PE we had a fantastic time doing Athletics. We had lots of helpers from St Aidan’s Year 10 helping us and running the different activities and challenges.  They also helped keep score and give us tips to improve. We all had a great time.   Many […]


Year 5/6 Art

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Y5/6 Art – we have been focusing on self-portraits and perspective. Physics Poster competition – Amazing posters and the 6 winners are going to Richard Taylor to celebrate with science workshop fun!


Choir Day at Harrogate Ladies College

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We were delighted to take sixteen children from year 4/5 to a Junior Choir Day at Harrogate Ladies College on Wednesday. They learnt 8 songs in the morning including ‘Hey Mr Miller’ and an African Lullaby called ‘Soualle’ which they sang in three-part harmony. They enjoyed a special lunch and then performed the songs for […]


Key Stage 2 Cross Country Event

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A huge well done to all the children who represented St Peter’s yesterday in the Key Stage Two Cross Country event. It was wonderful to have so many children wish to represent St Peter’s at this event. Children in Year 3&4 tackled a 1.2K course and Year 5&6 a 1.5K course. The children represented  themselves […]


KS2 Creative Writing

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  Year 5&6 have been developing their creative writing skills with a focus on using abstract nouns and their senses.


Get Set….Go!

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  Year 5/6 have started their athletics training by investigating ‘Which is the best way to start a race?’ They have explored standing, sprint start, on one leg, lying down… and carried our a fair test to answer their question


Easter Lunch Special!

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Our children were treated to a very special Easter lunch today, it all looked delicious!


Year 5/6 science Ambassadors

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Year 5/6 science ambassadors ready to share their knowledge and equipment with their playground science backpacks    


Snow Fun

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Children in Early Years very much enjoyed time in the snow on Thursday exploring he textures and feel as well as sculpting and shaping. It was a pleasure to see them demonstrating such effective co-operation and team work as they explored and played with and alongside each other.