

World Thinking Day

Posted In Uncategorised

World Thinking Day “Memory is the residue of thought.” Daniel T. Willingham We would like to say thank and well done to all the children who so actively supported and celebrated Word Thinking Day on Thursday this week. We talk each and every day with our children about the importance of paying attention and thinking […]


Sharing our Singing Shine

Posted In Curriculum, Music

Young Voices Concert 2024 We were delighted to a large number of our Key Stage Two choir to perform as part of the Yong Voices concert in Sheffield on Monday. The choir have ben busy rehearsing for many weeks learning a number of songs in preparation for this wonderful event. After a morning of final […]


Library Refurbishment

Posted In Curriculum

We are delighted to share some pictures of our new library in action. We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to FOSP who made a significant contribution from their funds they raised last year. Thank you to everyone who supported and donated to a FOSP event. Your contributions made this possible. Thank you […]


Worship Looking Forward

Posted In Worship

Each term  we explore one theme throughout our collective worship. Collective worship is invitational, inclusive and thought provoking. All members of our school family our welcome in our worship times. In the second half of the spring term we will be exploring the theme of forgiveness. Through songs, story, readings and prayer we will be […]


Shrove Tuesday Comes Early

Posted In Community

As Shrove Tuesday falls during half term this year we hosted our annual pancake sale and pancake races a little ahead of the day. Great fun was had by all decorating and eating their pancakes as well as taking part in pancake races. Thank you to the FOSP team for arranging the delicious pancakes and […]


Competition Success

Posted In Sports

Spring Term Competition Series We were delighted to continue our weekly involvement with the Sporting Influence competition series on Wednesday after school. This week was the second week of children from Year 5&6 competing. The team played incredibly well together supporting and helping each other. There were eight schools represented this week with St Peter’s […]



Posted In Curriculum

Children in Year 5/6 are currently learning how to construct a balanced argument. To prepare for this, they have been holding formal debates in class by putting Goldilocks on trial to debate the motion: Is Goldilocks guilty of a crime? The children put together some sound arguments and every child took part, articulating their arguments […]


Tchoukball Club

Posted In Curriculum, Sports

Children from Year 3 & 4 have very much enjoyed working with Mr Crooks this term in their after school tchoukball club. Tchoukball is a fast-paced and fun-filled sport suited for all ages and abilities. It’s uniquely positioned as one of the few mixed-gender sports in the UK and is perfect for school settings. Check […]


Happy Safer Internet Day 2024

Posted In Curriculum

Tuesday 6 February marks Safer Internet Day. We marked the day with a special collective worship looking at keeping safe online. We also welcomed PCSO Martin Powel in to school on Friday to work with children in Year 5&6 exploring this topic. We have published a special Safer Internet Day online safety parent newsletter on […]


Herons History Study

Posted In Curriculum

Children in Herons have recently completed a learning sequence thinking about Ancient Egypt. The children developed their knowledge and understanding of chronology by looking at a world timeline and locating the Egyptian time frame. They were able to say what happened before and what came after and also what was happening in different countries at […]