Young Leaders Share their Shine


Young Leaders Community Action

We were delighted to take the first group of our Young Leaders to St Peter’s Church this week as part of their community action work which is contributing towards their Young Leaders Award.

A number of children in Year 6 have chosen to participate in working towards achieving the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award using their own time after school to study towards achieving this. We are very proud of their commitment and dedication.

They have been learning about leadership skills and qualities and about making a difference in their local community. This week the first group attended the market day café at St Peter’s church to assist alongside other volunteers helping in the café setting up, serving drinks and meals and helping to clear away. They engaged wonderfully with everyone they met and were a credit to themselves and our school.

Their showed great confidence interacting with the other volunteers and those using the café as well as maturity and initiative in the help they gave. A huge well done and thank you to them all.

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