On Wednesday this week we rounded off the three week Year 1&2 football competition series with a draw and three wins. Scoring 14 goals over four matches the children played superbly well as a team showing great encouragement of each other as well as respect and encouragement towards the other teams. Well done to all the children in Year 1&2 who have represented St Peter’s over the last three weeks. Every child contributed superbly, playing competitively with passion and respect. When the points from all three weeks were added up St Peter’s finished top of the league of schools. Very well done. Next week is the turn of Key Stage 2 girls.
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St Peters CE Primary School,
Belford Road,
North Yorkshire,
Tel: 01423 569684 •
Email: admin@stpeters.ycway.uk
Part of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663935.
Registered Office: St. Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Drive, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 8JR.
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