Sharing our Singing Shine


Young Voices Concert 2024

We were delighted to a large number of our Key Stage Two choir to perform as part of the Yong Voices concert in Sheffield on Monday.

The choir have ben busy rehearsing for many weeks learning a number of songs in preparation for this wonderful event. After a morning of final rehearsals in school the children travelled down to Sheffield Arena for further rehearsals alongside choirs from others schools to make a 5000 strong choir. Accompanied by a live band the children performed superbly to a packed arena for the evening show. The children were amazing, singing their hearts out and sharing their shine with everyone there making memories that we know they will treasure for a long time to come.

A big thank you to Miss Potter and Mrs Goold who arranged and organised all the logistics of this experience and has been very busy helping the children prepare to take part and share their shine through their singing. Thank you also to Mrs Pywell and all the other staff and helpers who accompanied the children to Sheffield and made this visit possible.

Posted In Curriculum, Music