School Opening Tuesday 7 January 2025

Good morning. As you may be aware the main secondary schools and some primaries in Harrogate are closed today. We have been able to clear a single pathway to the main entrances at the front of school and will be open today. To ensure the safety of children, staff and families we will enter through the front of the building and children will need to remain indoors throughout the day. It is likely children will be dismissed via the front of school also. We will keep families updated with regard to this.
We advise children bring a change of shoes for indoors.
We appreciate each journey for families is different and would not wish anyone to make a journey where they do not feel safe. If families feel it is safer to remain at home then any absence for this reason will be authorised. If you are keeping your children at home today for this reason please email rather than calling so the phone lines can be kept free. Thank you for your support.

Posted In Notices