Residential Adventures


Children from Year 6 enjoyed a magical three days of residential activity at East Barnby this week. They were blessed with some glorious weather and had a superb time making lasting memories with their friends and staff.

In the beautiful setting of the North Yorkshire coastline around Whitby and Sandsend they experienced a host of outdoor learning experiences including body boarding, canoeing down the river Esk into the harbour at Whitby as well as team building activities and even some summer sledging on the dry slope. There was also plenty of time to work on bed making and spending quality time with their friends ahead of the end of term and heading off to their new schools in September.

There was of course the tradition of the residential talent show on the final evening which was enjoyed by all especially the staff who made up the judging panel.

Thank you to all the families who supported their children to attend this experience, to the staff team for making this experience possible and most importantly to our wonderful children for embracing all the challenges and representing St Peter’s superbly while they were away. Well done and thank you to all.

We hope yo enjoy browsing the pictures below.

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