Our Spiritual Shine


We were delighted to welcome Sue Kirby and a team of wonderful volunteers from both St Peter’s and St Paul’s churches into school this week to host the running of a prayer and reflective spaces event. On Monday the team transformed ‘The Snug’ into a prayer and reflective spaces room ready for visits from Tuesday.

On Monday evening they led staff training to support staff in their understanding of how to develop prayer and reflection in their classrooms through worship and within the curriculum. Staff also had the opportunity to pause and reflect themselves.

Children in Key Stage Two then all had the opportunity to visit in small groups throughout the week experiencing the different activities to pause and reflect.

Here are some of the comments from the children following their visits.

‘I was not expecting what we just experienced! It was calm, quiet and so many different zones to choose from that I could spend time in. I particularly loved the headphones spaces and listening to the calming music.’ 

‘I feel like all the weight has been taken off my shoulders and I feel a better version of me’

‘I loved how peaceful it was. I feel closer to people’

‘I feel lighter now’ 

We hope to continue working with the volunteers to re create this experience each year and develop more permanent spaces in school to support our children’s spiritual development.

Posted In Community, Events, Worship