Governor Vacancy


We are recruiting to a governor vacancy at St Peter’s Primary School Harrogate, from September 2025. This could be for a governor role only and/or the role of Chair of the governing body.

We are seeking a foundation / academy governor who can be anyone from within or beyond our community who feels they would like to make a positive contribution to serving St Peter’s School. It could be a parent, grandparent, or anyone wishing to serve our wonderful school, which is part of the YCST family, making a positive contribution to the work of the school. It can be someone still in work or retired.

We welcome interest from anyone who has knowledge in the wide variety of areas involved on school leadership and management and would be especially keen to hear from anyone with experience and expertise in finance, health and safety, and premises/buildings management.

If you are interested or know someone who would like to know a little more please get in touch with me or our wonderful office team via or call 01423 569684.

Local Governor Letter 21.5.2025

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