Children Shine in Nativity Performances


Children from Early Years and Key Stage One have shared their shine this week in three wonderful performances of their nativity, Don’t Be Afraid! In this joyous nativity full of hope and resilience, and of course the essential nativity characters – fluffy sheep, wise kings, stressed innkeepers and funny shepherds the children re told the Nativity story superbly.

Their acting and singing were fantastic and we are so very proud of each and everyone one of them. Thank you to the staff team for helping the children to prepare and to all the family members who supported the children in learning their lines, preparing costumes and of course supporting the children by coming along to watch the performances.

We hope you are well and truly in the Christmas spirit now. If you can we would very much like to welcome families again to our Christmas Service which will take place at St Peter’s Church 9.30am Thursday 21 December as well as our community carol singing at 1.30pm on Friday 22 December at the Alms Houses (opposite school).




Posted In Curriculum