Posts From Uncategorised Category


Residential Adventures

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Children from Year 6 enjoyed a magical three days of residential activity at East Barnby this week. They were blessed with some glorious weather and had a superb time making lasting memories with their friends and staff. In the beautiful setting of the North Yorkshire coastline around Whitby and Sandsend they experienced a host of […]


Iman Visit

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Children from Key Stage One were delighted to welcome Iman Hasan Muhammad from Harrogate Islamic Association into school today as part of their RE learning about Islam. Hassan talked to the children about his faith his work in the community and his friendship with Dr Garrow from St Peter’s Church. The children asked some very […]


Summer Fare Fun

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A big thank you to everyone who helped to organise, run and attend the summer fare on Saturday. It was lovely to see so many families enjoying al the activities in the sunshine having a lovely time and raising funds for school. There was plenty for everyone to do including trampolines, face painting, arts and […]


Junior Parkrun Takeover

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Thank you and well done to everyone who supported the St Peter’s Junior Parkrun take over at the weekend. Around 150 children took part overall with a very strong representation of runners and volunteers from St Peter’s School. It was a lovely atmosphere and a pleasure to see so many children and families taking part. […]


Easter Worship

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It was a pleasure to welcome so many families to our Easter Service on Thursday in St Peter’s Church. Thank you for your support. As always, the children led a wonderful act of worship with readings prayer and hymns. Through these they helped retell the Easter story considering the key messages of love and forgiveness. […]


Young Leaders Share their Shine

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Young Leaders Community Action We were delighted to take the first group of our Young Leaders to St Peter’s Church this week as part of their community action work which is contributing towards their Young Leaders Award. A number of children in Year 6 have chosen to participate in working towards achieving the Archbishop of […]


The Master and the Apprentice

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New Library – Children Help with Finishing Touches We were delighted to welcome owner and founder of Playscheme Limited John Danby into school to help put the final finishing touches to the library as well as see it in action. John had some willing volunteers to assist with installing the Story Boat signage and he […]


World Thinking Day

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World Thinking Day “Memory is the residue of thought.” Daniel T. Willingham We would like to say thank and well done to all the children who so actively supported and celebrated Word Thinking Day on Thursday this week. We talk each and every day with our children about the importance of paying attention and thinking […]


February Online Safety Newsletter

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We are pleased to have published our February online safety newsletter. Online Safety Newsletter Primary February 2024 All previous editions can be found on our dedicated online safety page.


Social Skills and Sporting Competition

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Through our partnership with Sporting Influence we are pleased to continue to attend weekly sporting competitions against other local school at Harrogate High on Wednesday evenings. This week was the turn of both boys and girls from Year 3&4 to represent St Peter’s in football. As well as the chance to compete against other schools […]