Children in Year 6 were treated to a musical performance this week with an invitation to attend the dress rehearsal of Annie performed by students at St Aidan’s was a pleasure to see many former St Peter’s children performing and continuing to share their shine. The children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon. A huge thank you […]
Posted In Community, Curriculum
On Monday this week across St Peter’s we paused to mark Remembrance Day. Children respectfully observed a period of silence to remember and give thanks for all those who serve to keep us safe. Different classes remembered in different ways through discussion and different pieces of work. Here are some remembrance day pieces of art […]
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Really privileged to accompany two wonderful colleagues to the Your Harrogate Local Hero Awards last night. Our wonderful and much loved St Peter’s Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO Alice Jones was a finalist in the teacher of the year category and our fantastic highly respected CEO of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust (YCST) Jane Goodwin was representing […]
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We are delighted that our wrap around care provision run by local company Funclubs Ltd has had an incredibly positive report following its Ofsted inspection earlier this month. Funclubs Ltd was founded 21 years ago with St Peter’s School being its first provision. Over the last two decades it has grown now providing wrap around […]
Collective Worship It was a pleasure to see St Peter’s Church so full of children and families this week to help celebrate Harvest Festival. The children led a wonderful collective worship with readings, songs and prayers to help us give thanks for another harvest time. The children helped us reflect on and give thanks for […]
Posted In Community, Curriculum
We are all celebrating the completion of our newly renovated nurture room space. Nurture and pastoral care are at the heart of the school’s approach. ‘Pupils in Year 6 help to look after pupils in Nest. This is the school’s quiet space where pupils can go if they have any worries or concerns. The school […]
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Your Harrogate Award Nomination We are thrilled that our Trust (YCST) and one of our much-valued colleagues feature in the Your Harrogate Local Hero Awards shortlist! Congratulations to our very own Mrs Jones who has made it to the final three in the ‘Teacher of the Year’ category. We were delighted to welcome Esmee from […]
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We would like to say a huge well done and congratulations to Tabitha D who attended the Harrogate in Bloom awards at West Park hotel this week. Tabitha was shortlisted for the flowerbed design competition that many St Peter’s children entered at the end of last term. We are delighted to announce that Tabitha won […]
Posted In Community, Curriculum
We have been delighted to start our annual series of visits to Harrogate library. We are blessed to have such a fantastic resource so close to our school. Over the course of the school year all classes will visit the library. This week children in upper Key Stage Two have been visiting to support their […]
Posted In Community, Curriculum
It was lovely to welcome many children from Early Years and Key Stage One back to school on Tuesday evening for our annual story night. While the adults joined our lower school team to learn a little more about how we teach phonics and early reading the children enjoyed a range of bedtime stories followed […]
St Peters CE Primary School,
Belford Road,
North Yorkshire,
Tel: 01423 569684 •
Part of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663935.
Registered Office: St. Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Drive, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 8JR.
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