A Fond Farewell


It was a pleasure to welcome so many families to bid a fond farewell to our children from Year 6 as well as our much loved Deputy Headteacher Miss Fishburn in church today. The children led a superb service with uplifting singing and thoughtful readings as well as a host of lovely messages for Miss Fishburn. Thank you to St Peter’s church for such a warm welcome, to all the children for their superb contributions and to everyone who came to support us.

We wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing summer break and are pleased to share our service prayer.

Dear Lord,

We thank you for all we have been able to experience and achieve during our time at St Peter’s School. We have learnt so much; we have had fun; we have grown up and we have all had our chance to shine and to share our shine.

We ask for your blessing as we prepare for our futures in our new schools. Help us stay true to the faith and values that we have learnt in our time at St Peter’s. Help us to continue to shine and share that shine in our world.



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