Christmas Worship


Collective Worship

It was lovely to welcome so many families and friends into St Peter’s Church on this morning for our Christmas Service. Thank you to everyone who came to support the children.

The children led the worship superbly with singing, readings and prayer. Through their worship the children helped remind us all about the true meaning of Christmas and reflect upon our worship theme from this term of compassion considering how we can show compassion over the Christmas period and of course beyond.  As always it was incredibly special to be able to come together at St Peter’s Church to reflect on the meaning behind all the festivities and celebrations at this time of year. We very much hoped you enjoyed joining us.

A Christmas Prayer

May the song of the angels stir you;
May the guile of the shepherds ground you;
May the commitment of Joseph bind you;
May the courage of Mary embolden you;
May the wisdom of the seasoned ones enliven you;
and may the gift of the child
birth generosity, love and peace in your heart and through your hands
today, tonight, and through all your days and your nights,


Posted In Worship