Posts From May 2024


Mini Medics

Posted In Curriculum

We were delighted to welcome Mr Atkinson from the Sporting Influence Foundation into school this week to work with all of our children in Year 6. As part of their PSHE learning the children undertook a dedicated first aid awareness session learning about how to seek help in different emergency situations as well as developing […]


PSHE Road Safety

Posted In Community, Curriculum

Children in Key Stage One have been studying road safety as part of their recent PSHE learning. Having completed classroom based lessons learning about the green cross code and different types of safe crossing spaces and places they took their learning outside onto the playground and then on a local walk around school to test […]


Junior Parkrun Takeover

Posted In Uncategorised

Thank you and well done to everyone who supported the St Peter’s Junior Parkrun take over at the weekend. Around 150 children took part overall with a very strong representation of runners and volunteers from St Peter’s School. It was a lovely atmosphere and a pleasure to see so many children and families taking part. […]


Year Four Residential

Posted In Curriculum

Year Four Residential Herd Farm This week children from Year Four enjoyed a fabulous two-day one night residential at Herd Farm outdoor activity centre just next to Eccup reservoir. Throughout a fun packed two days they took part in climbing, orienteering, ‘blindline’, shelter building and archery. We were all incredibly impressed with the enthusiasm they […]


Away We Go

Posted In Curriculum

It was lovely to see the buzz of excitement this morning as children from Year 4 set off on their residential adventure to Herd Farm outdoor activity centre. They were all looking forward to two busy days of outdoor and adventurous activities with their friends. We will keep families updated via the news section of […]