Superb Mystery and Suspense Writing


Children in Ravens and Eagles have been exploring the images in the book, “The Mysteries of Harris Burdick”.

Harris Burdick had drawn several images and he left each one with a publisher called Peter Wendell, with a promise to return with the stories that accompanied the images.  Each black and white drawing was given a title and a caption.  However, Harris Burdick never returned, and the mysterious images have sparked the imagination of many a budding author.

The children have been writing their own mystery story based on one of the images who title was Mr Linden’s Library which had the caption He had warned her about the book.  Now it was too late. 

Each child has brought a paper copy home for family and friends to read.  As all budding authors thrive on feedback, please read their story and complete the review here.  All stories will be compiled and uploaded to the Website on each class page under “Recommended Reading”, so that everyone can read and respond to the imaginative and mysterious stories using the same link.


Eagles Y5 Mystery Stories

Eagles Y6 Mystery Stories

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