Thank you for your interest in or for choosing St Peter’s School. We love welcoming new families to our school and helping them settle in.
We recognise the value of a positive and happy start to school life in helping all our children and families to Love Learn Shine. From initial enquires through to the first day, term and year we work closely with families to help them prepare for and settle into life in our school.
We are pleased to provide the information below that is designed to support families with children starting in Reception in September 2022 and also families who may have children joining other year groups at that time or during a school year. Whenever you and your children join St Peter’s we wish you a very warm welcome.
Many children start their school lives when they begin school in Wrens or Kingfishers. Some children also join us part way through primary school. All are equally welcome and we work closely to ensure effective bespoke transition whenever it takes place.
Class Teachers Mrs Renton, Mrs Starkey and Miss Collins ably lead our fantastic Early Years Team. They are all experienced and dedicated teachers. Children in Early Years are also supported by a number of teaching assistants including Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Aldridge. Their combined years of experience are surpassed only by their enthusiasm for Early Years.
![]() Mrs Renton – EYFS/Year 1 Teacher, Wrens |
![]() Miss Ratcliffe – EYFS/Year 1 Teacher, Kingfishers |
![]() Mrs Armstrong – EYFS/Year 1 Teaching Assistant |
![]() Miss Aldridge – EYFS/Year 1 Teaching Assistant |
We are proud of our transition arrangements that support children well to make an excellent start in September. The summary below gives an overview of our approach. If needed we can personalise further to ensure children have the best possible start.
Week Commencing | What to expect |
Monday 18th April | Monday 17 April 2023 National Offer Day. Parents receive email/letter from their Local Authority stating the school place they have been offered.
Tuesday 17 April 2023 Letters sent to all children allocated a place at St Peter’s. Headteacher available for phone contact with any family requesting this. At their leisure families can visit our updated school website with its dedicated Starting School page. |
During April & May | Personalised School Tours with the headteacher. Any family wishing to visit school again or for the first time (if families were unable to visit in the autumn) can do so during these weeks. Visits can be booked via the School office. Please email or call 01423 569684. Tours are individual to each family. |
During April and May | One of the St Peter’s team will visit the nursery setting of each child to meet with them and their key worker. |
Monday 24 April | A “Welcome to Early Years Pack” will be sent out to you via email. This will provide additional information about the EYFS unit and important information such as Collection Forms, School Dinners and Uniform expectations. |
May TBC | An invitation to our Parent Information Evening will be sent by email. |
May TBC | May TBC Information Evening. An opportunity
to meet the St Peter’s and Fun Club teams and other parents whose children will be starting in EYFS in September. |
May TBC | A “New Starters Application Pack” will be sent out via email and all online forms will need to be completed and returned by the end of the summer term.
May TBC – Individual in person parent meeting with Mrs Renton in person or via video call. Video calls can take place on other days this week if parents are not available on Friday 20th. |
June TBC | Sessions throughout the Week. Morning sessions 10.30-12.00, afternoon sessions 1.00-2.30. Transition visits to Early Years in small groups of 8.
Families will be able to select a session when they attend the parent information session on Wednesday 11th May. Families unable to attend this session can contact school to select their preferred session. |
July TBC | TBC A second transition visit for all new EY starters either (10.00-12.00) or (1.00- 3.00).
Families will be able to select a session when they attend the parent information session on Wednesday 11th May. Families unable to attend this session can contact school to select their preferred session |
Monday 17 July 2023 | A letter before the end of the summer term informing families of class name and class teacher for their child. |
August | Reminder keeping in touch update letters and access to website information. |
Week Beginning 4 September 2023 | Monday 4 September 2023 – School INSET training Day. School closed to children. Personalised visits for any children with additional need.
Wednesday 5 September 2023– School opens. All reception children start |
Children in their first year at school follow the same Early Years Curriculum as they have done at nursery. This familiarity with learning through play and following their interests plays a key role in supporting effective transition. The classroom and outdoor learning set up is likely to be very familiar to them from their nursery experiences.
In Early Years, we have an ever-changing curriculum that is tailored to the children’s interest and needs. As parents, you are your child’s ‘first teacher’ and remain an important and integral part of the education process. Therefore, your input and support are vital to ensure your child can successfully achieve their highest potential.
Reading and sharing books is an essential part of curriculum approach. As well as the many known academic benefits from reading widely, books are an invaluable way to help children prepare for new experiences and effectively manage their emotions during periods of change. Below are some recommendations of books that you can share with your child to help them prepare for starting school. Many of these are available in local libraries. We also have limited copies which we can lend if needed.
There are more useful ideas and tips available via the links below.
BBC Bitesize has a host of top tips, clips and games to help both children and parents prepare for starting school –
The School Run – lots of tips for parents from parents – many elements are free and there is also a subscription element (although this is not necessary) –
For families joining part way through a school year or at the start of a school year in Key Stage One or Key Stage Two we can plan with families a bespoke transition package of visits and contact to help prepare and settle children into life in our schools. Please contact the school office for further information